When it comes to asphalt paving, the foundation of a durable and long-lasting road or driveway is laid during installation. A well-executed installation ensures a smooth driving experience. It also prevents a host of damages that can plague improperly installed pavements. In this article, we’ll explore the key signs of a properly installed asphalt pavement and delve into five damages you won’t need to worry about when the installation is done right.

How to Tell if an Asphalt Pavement is Properly Installed:

Before we dive into the damages that can be avoided, let’s briefly discuss how to identify a properly installed asphalt pavement. Look for a surface that’s both smooth and even, without visible cracks or uneven areas. Proper water drainage is essential, so check for a slight slope that prevents water pooling. Edges should be neatly finished and blend seamlessly with surrounding structures. When you’re walking on the pavement, it should feel solid underfoot, with no soft or spongy spots. Adequate curing time is crucial too. A rushed installation might show signs of premature wear. Essentially, well-installed asphalt pavement exhibits a seamless, level appearance, good drainage, solid compaction, and proper curing for lasting durability.

Damages You Don’t Have to Worry About:

  1. Cracking

Do you know those frustrating cracks that seem to appear out of nowhere on roads and driveways? They’re like uninvited guests that just won’t leave. Well, these cracks are often a result of inadequate compaction during the asphalt paving process.

Imagine the asphalt mixture as a puzzle that needs to fit together. When this mixture isn’t properly compacted, it leaves tiny air pockets. These air gaps create weak spots that can’t withstand the pressure of traffic passing over them or the expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes.

  1. Potholes

Potholes are the bane of every driver’s existence. They’re like miniature craters that make your ride feel like a roller coaster from hell. Potholes often make their grand entrance after a good round of rain followed by freezing temperatures.

A well-installed pavement is armed with proper drainage systems that keep water from making its way into the cracks. This helps avoid the whole freezing-expanding-melting cycle that leads to those dreaded potholes.

  1. Ravelling

Ever noticed how some pavements start looking like they’ve seen better days? That’s ravelling for you – it’s like the pavement’s having an identity crisis. This damage happens when the asphalt mixture isn’t blended just right or lacks the necessary binding agents.

Mixing the asphalt properly and ensuring it’s applied with the right consistency can go a long way in preventing this ravelling phenomenon. It’s like giving your pavement a sturdy coat of armour to fight off the wear and tear of everyday life.

  1. Edge Crumbling

Edges crumbling – it’s like the pavement’s saying, “I’m getting too cozy with the earth.” During installation, if those edges aren’t given the attention they deserve, they become the weak links in the pavement chain.

With daily traffic rumbling over them and the elements doing their thing, those edges start to give way. It’s like your pavement’s lost its balance and is ready to tumble. But here’s the solution: proper edging during installation.

  1. Base Failure

Alright. Let’s talk about the base – the unsung hero of asphalt pavements. Just like a house needs a solid foundation, pavement needs a stable base. If that base isn’t prepared correctly, it’s like building your home on quicksand – not a great idea.

Base failure is the stuff of nightmares for asphalt pavements. A poorly prepped base with subpar compaction and wrong materials can lead to catastrophe. The pavement settles unevenly, cracks emerge, and it’s just a matter of time before it crumbles.

Ensuring Proper Asphalt Installation

When it comes to ensuring the longevity and quality of your asphalt pavement, having a trusted professional can make all the difference. While DIY projects have their charm, asphalt pavement installation isn’t something you want to leave to chance. Enlisting the help of experienced and knowledgeable professionals can be your golden ticket to a pavement that stands the test of time and avoids common installation pitfalls.


Asphalt paving is more than just laying down a surface – it’s about engineering a solution that guards against common damages. A proper installation not only saves you from the headache of repairs but also enhances your pavement’s overall functionality and aesthetics. So, whether you’re considering a new pavement or evaluating an existing one, remember that well-installed asphalt pavement is your first line of defence against these potential issues.